Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Neuronaut Class

You have the gift of “othersight”, seeing wavelengths of reality others are incapable of perceiving. Through discipline and training, you have conditioned your mind to interact with unseen dimensions coexisting with the prime continuum. Access to these dimensions opens an intermittent neural link allowing exploration of infinite realms beyond normal consciousness.

Neuronauts are humans who specialize in understanding the nature of reality. They commune with extra-dimensional entities (EDE’s), that breached the veil between worlds during the Cursed Times, to gain insight into the past, present and future. Through this interaction, a neuronaut receives visions that allow them to understand the science and knowledge of the past. They are also able to channel energy from the EDE into the real world through various manifestations.

At 1st level, a Neuronaut enters a bond of servitude with an extra-dimensional entity and obtains packets of information they are able to interpret. They must induce a trance to obtain this ethereal knowledge. The method to initiate the state; ingesting a substance, repeating a word or phrase, sensory deprivation, etc. is different for each character and must be chosen by the player.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Tribal Alignment: Gallant Freedom

Tribal Alignment: Gallant Freedom fosters the notion of goodness without the guidance of dogma. To an adherent to this philosophy, the conscience of morality is more important than what the others might think. They make their own way in the world guided by personal honor and a free spirit. They distain the restrictions of an organized society, placing the values of individualism above all else. 

Qualifications: Any sentient being that values liberty over conformity and is kind and benevolent. 

Benefit: Those of Gallant Freedom gain a +2 to Charisma-based checks when dealing with any group that benefited from any member’s good deeds.

Secret Sign: A three-turn downward spiral traced into the air.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Tribal Alignment: The Social Covenant

Tribal Alignment: The Social Covenant is an allegiance to an organized community through a formal and binding pact. The members of The Social Covenant agree to protect and sustain the harmony of all allied communities throughout the Wretched Regions. Only through a strong and orderly society can the welfare and security of the group be maintained.

Qualifications: Open to all sentient beings with honor and a desire for good.

Benefit: The Covenant’s Law of Hospitality binds member communities to provide up to a weeks’ worth of food and shelter free of charge. Only a verified member of this alignment is eligible.

Secret Sign: A palm-sized amulet struck from a special metal alloy; the composition known only to the Covenant Elders. Each community’s elders are capable of spotting a forgery. These amulets are issued to members who travel outside their home territory on missions and quests.

Sunday, February 21, 2021

Tribal Alignment: Barbarian Chylde

Tribal Alignment: A Barbarian Chylde is an individual aligned to the beliefs in personal freedom and gain by any means available. They have little use for laws and structured societies, preferring to rely on their personal skills and talents for survival. Benevolence and malevolence are merely means to an end and a Barbarian Chylde will utilize that which suits the moment. 

Qualifications: To become a member of this alignment, the character must have a minimum score of a 12 in Constitution, Intelligence and Wisdom. 

Benefit: A Barbarian Chylde gains a once per day +2 bonus on any Wisdom-based checks. 

Secret Sign: The interpretation of a Sibur Runes casting will prove one’s membership to the Barbarian Chylde.